Let G and H be arbitrary groups,
and let J be a larger group whose elements, as a set,
are defined by the cross product of G and H.
Let g1 and g2 be members of G, while h1 and h2 are members of H.
The composite group J is the direct product of G and H,
if the product of any two elements in J is equal to
In other words, the groups G and H run in parallel.
We've already seen examples of this. The group Z7Z7 contains 49 elements, two parallel copies of the integers mod 7. For instance: 2,5 + 3,3 = 5,1. Project J onto G or H by throwing away the "other" component. This is a group homomorphism, hence either G or H can act as the kernel of J, with H or G playing the role of factor group. |
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Apply the above several times to take the direct product of a finite number of groups.
The direct product of an infinite set of groups is also well defined. We don't have to worry about the axiom of choice, because every set has a special element, the group identity. The direct product includes the element 1,1,1,1,1,1… which acts as the identity element for the composite group. Group operations are performed per component.
The direct sum is essentially defined in the same way as the direct product: group operations are still performed per component, but almost all components are set to the identity element. See more on the direct sum here.
As an example, consider the direct product or sum of Zp for all primes p. The prime cycles run in parallel, and independent of each other. The element 0,0,0,0… is the group identity. In the direct product, the element 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9… is well defined. In the direct sum, almost all components must be 0, as in 1,2,3,0,5,0,0,0,0… zeros thereafter.
The semidirect product is a bit trickier. Let G and H be arbitrary groups as above, and let a group homomorphism map H into the automorphisms of G. In other words, every element x in H is associated with an automorphism on G. Call this automorphism fx.
Use the "group action" convention, where the automorphism defined by xy is the automorphism of y followed by the automorphism of x. This seems backwards, but it's actually more convenient. Naturally, f1 = 1, the trivial automorphism, and the automorphism f1/x is the inverse automorphism of fx.
If automorphisms have been assigned to the generators of H, then we have the entire map from H into the automorphisms of G. If H is cyclic, for instance, generated by x, we only need know fx. Then fx*x is fx applied twice, and so on.
Now let's define the semidirect product. The product of two elements g1,h1 * g2,h2 has the following formula.
g1*fh1(g2), h1h2
Is J a group? Well 1,1 is certainly the two-sided identity. Let's bring in g3,h3 and verify associativity. The second component, from the group H, is clearly associative; we only need look at the first component.
First component of (J1 * J2) * J3 =
g1 fh1(g2) fh1h2(g3) =
g1 fh1(g2) fh1(fh2(g3)) =
g1 fh1( g2fh2(g3) ) =
First component of J1 * (J2 * J3)
Does g1,h1 have an inverse? Let f be the automorphism associated with h1. Apply f inverse to the inverse of g1 and call this g2. Sure enough, g1f(g2) produces the identity in G, hence g2,h2 is the inverse of g1,h1, and J is a group.
A simple homomorphism maps J onto H, with G as kernel. Thus J is the "semidirect product of G by H".
Let J be a group with kernel G and factor group H. Thus J is an "extension of G by H". But is J a semidirect product?
If it is, then J contains a copy of H. Furthermore, the group H that lives inside J maps, by our group homomorphism, onto the factor group H. Seen another way, we can select a cosrep for every coset of G in J, and these cosreps form a closed subgroup of J. This subgroup is a mirror of H inside J.
Conversely, let H be a set of cosreps of G in J, such that H is a closed subgroup inside J. Of course H also represents and defines the factor group.
Let x be any element of H. since G is the kernel, xG/x equals G, as a set. That is, conjugation by x permutes the elements of G. Apply this to g1g2, and the result is the same as xg1/x * xg2/x. Therefore conjugation by x implements a group automorphism on G. Call this automorphism fx. This holds for every x in J, so it certainly holds for every x in H.
Since left and right cosets are the same, let the members of H represent right cosets. The elements of J can now be labeled unambiguously. Each element is gi,hi for some gi in G and some hi in H.
Now consider the product g1,h1 * g2,h2. Realize that x,y is the same as x*y, and you're almost there.
g1,h1 * g2,h2 =
g1 * h1 * g2 * h2 =
g1 * h1 * g2 / h1 * h1 * h2 =
g1 * fh1(g2) * h1 * h2 =
g1 fh1(g2), h1h2
The group J, with kernel G and factor group H, is a semidirect product iff a copy of H exists inside J, and maps onto the factor group H. Such a group is called "split exact".
Consider the cyclic group of order p2 for some prime p. Use the integers mod p2. The multiples of p form the kernel, and the integers mod p form the factor group. We have G and H in hand, but is Zp2 a semidirect product? Let x be an integer that is 1 mod p, such that x generates a copy of H inside J. The elements x, 2x, 3x all map to 1 2 3 etc in the factor group, but px is not 0. The subgroup is not closed. This is a group that has a kernel and quotient, but is not a semidirect product.
Let J be a finite group, with normal subgroup G, and subgroup H, such that |G| and |H| are relatively prime. Let c and d be elements of H that happen to lie in the same coset of G. Thus c/d also lies in G. This means the order of c/d divides into |G| and |H|, which are relatively prime. Thus c/d is the group identity, and c = d. The members of H represent distinct cosets of G in J. In other words, the members of H represent the factor group J/G. Multiplication in H corresponds to multiplication in J/G, and H is in fact a copy of the factor group, living in J. The group is split exact - a semidirect product.
Next suppose G is normal in J, and |G| and |J/G| are relatively prime, and J/G is known to be cyclic. Let c be an element of G that generates J/G. If |J/G| = u, cu is back in G, and has some order v in G. Replace c with cv. Since v and u are coprime, we are merely selecting a new generator for J/G. Also, cu is the identity element in G, and in J. Thus c generates a copy of the factor group inside J, and J is split exact - a semidirect product.