Let G have order p2, and let H be its center. If H = G then G is abelian. If not then H = Zp. Let x be an element not in H. Now x has order p in G/H, hence xp lies in H. The powers of x represent all the cosets of H in G, and they commute with each other. They also commute with H, since H is the center. Therefore G is abelian. It is either ZpZp or Zp2.
Next let G have order p3 and let H be the center. If H = G then G is abelian, and is either ZpZpZp, Zp2Zp, or Zp3.
If H has order p2 then select x not in H and argue as above, whence G is abelian once again.
Let H have order p and let K = G/H. Since K has order p2 it is abelian. If K is cyclic, let x generate K, whence x and H generate G, x and H commute, and G is abelian. So let K = ZpZp, and let x and y generate K. If x and y commute than G is abelian, so assume they don't commute.
At this point I must apologize for the inconsistent notation that is coming up. I'm going to use additive notation for H, which is cyclic, and multiplicative notation for the rest of G, which is not abelian. Think of H as Zp, i.e. the integers mod p. Thus 0 is the additive identity in H, and the identity element for G, while 1 is the generator of H, 1 2 3 4 etc, and is not the identity for G. I hope this isn't too confusing.
Suppose xp = j for some nonzero j in H. If j is not 1, let v be the inverse of j mod p and replace x with xv. Raise the new x to the j power and combine with something from H to get the old x back again, hence G is still spanned. Furthermore, xp = 1.
Do the same for y. Hereinafter we may assume both generators, when raised to the p power, produce 0 or 1 in H.
If both generators produce 0, and yx = xyw, let w generate H. In other words, yx = xy1. This is the first nonabelian group of order p3, up to isomorphism.
This group is isomorphic to the 3×3 upper triangular matrices over Zp with ones down the main diagonal. When 1 is in the upper right we have w, the generator for the center of G. Place 1 in the top middle and 1 in the middle right to get y and x respectively. Verify that w commutes with x and y, and yx = xyw. Also, each of x y and w, raised to the p, gives the identity matrix.
We can show that every element in this group has order p. Raise a generic element xiyjwk to the p power and push the instances of y forward past the instances of x. The number of swaps is i×j×(1+2+3+…+p-1), which is divisible by p when p is odd. (We'll deal with p = 2 later.) Hence the commuting factor drops out. The original instances of x y and w are raised to the p, and drop out as well. The result is 0.
What about p = 2? The construction of the group is still valid, including its representation as 3×3 upper triangular matrices, but this time it contains an element of order 4. In fact this group is equal to the dihedral group D4, i.e. the reflections and rotations of the square. The 180° rotation generates the center of the group, 1 in the above notation. The vertical reflection is x and the reflection through the main diagonal is y. Note that yx = xy1, and x2 and y2 are 0.
Next case; let both x and y lead to 1 in H. Rescale y again, so that yp = -1. Now use xy as a generator, instead of y. Expand (xy)p, and push the instances of y forward. Every time y and x commute we introduce a factor w from H. Again, this happens 1+2+3+…+p-1 times, which drops to 0 when p is odd. This leaves xpyp = 1-1 = 0. Therefore the new generator produces 0 in H.
We may now assume xp = 1 and yp = 0. Thus |x| = p2. This is definitely a different group than we've seen before.
With p still odd, renormalize y as follows. If yx = xyj, and v is the inverse of j mod p, replace y with yv. Now yp is still 0, xp is still 1, and yx = xy1. This is the second nonabelian group of order p3.
Return to p = 2. Suppose x2 = 1 and y2 = 0. Replace x with xy, and both generators lead to 0 in H. We've already handled this case.
Finally both x2 and y2 are 1, and yx = xy1. This is isomorphic to the quaternion group Q8. To see the isomorphism, consider the quaternions mod 2. These are the elements ±1, ±i, ±j, and ±k, where i j and k squared give -1. Also, ji = -ij etc. Think of i as x, and j as y, and k as xy. The multiplicative identity 1 corresponds to 0 in H, and -1 corresponds to 1, the involution in H. These are indeed the same group, hence the nonabelian groups of order 8 are D4 and Q8.
Thanks to somebody's computer program, the number of groups of order 2i, for i = 1 to 7, is 1, 2, 5, 14, 51, 267, 2328. We just verified this for i = 3, 3 abelian groups and 2 nonabelian groups.