Formal Derivatives, An Introduction


Let R be any commutative ring, and let p(x) be a polynomial with coefficients in R. The formal derivative of p(x) is produced by folding the exponents into the coefficients, and decreasing the exponents by 1. Thus 4x3+5x+1 becomes 12x2+5.

If you've studied differential calculus, this definition will look familiar. But it has nothing to do with calculus; hence it is called a formal derivative. For instance, R might have characteristic n. In other words, R is an extension of the integers mod n. In such a ring, the derivative of xn-7 is 0, simply because nxn-1 is 0.

Verify that the derivative of p(x)+q(x) is the sum p′+q′, and the derivative of c×p(x) is c times p′. This follows directly from the definition.

Next prove the product rule for differentiation. Expand p*q using the distributive property, giving a sum of various terms c×xi×xj. The derivative of such a term is c×(i+j)×xi+j-1. This is the same as,

c × (i×xi-1×xj + j×xj-1×xi)

Regroup terms to show the derivative of p×q is p′×q + p×q′.

Using induction on n, prove that the derivative of p(x)n is n times p(x)n-1 times p′(x). Spread this across an entire polynomial and we have the chain rule. The derivative of q(p) is q′(p)×p′.