Quaternions, An Introduction


Let R be a commutative ring, and extend R by adjoining the elements i j and k, where i2 = j2 = k2 = -1.

You're probably familiar with the element i, the square root of -1. We joined i to the real numbers to produce the complex numbers. Well now we're bringing in three separate square roots of -1 that are traditionally called i j and k. These elements commute with R and obey the following rules for multiplication.

ij = k, jk = i, ki = j
ji = -k, kj = -i, ik = -j

As you can see, multiplication is not commutative. For instance, ij = -ji. Well actually multiplication might be commutative if the characteristic of R is 2, whence 1 and -1 are the same. But that's rather unusual.

We need to show the quaternions form a ring. Addition is performed per component, as it was with complex numbers, so addition forms a group, with 0+0i+0j+0k (also known as 0) acting as the identity element. Multiplication is defined by distributing the terms and multiplying them individually, so it naturally obeys the distributive laws. The only tricky part is associativity. Show that (ij)k = i(jk), and so on for all the combinations. Don't forget about duplicates, such as (ii)j = i(ij). Sure enough, all combinations are associative, hence the quaternion extension of R forms a larger ring.

Actually, R could be a noncommutative ring, and the quaternion extension still forms a larger ring. We could talk about the quaternion extension of the quaternion extension of R, and so on. But in practice, we want R to be commutative. We'll see why below.

Finite Presentation

The quaternions can also be described using relations. Start with R[x,y], the ring of polynomials over R, where x and y do not commute. Bring in the relations x2 = -1, y2 = -1, and xy = -yx. The result is isomorphic to the quaternions, where x y and xy play the roles of i j and k respectively. Sure enough, x*y = xy, just as i*j = k, and so on for the other combinations.

The Norm of a Quaternion

In the world of complex numbers, the norm of a+bi is a2+b2, or sometimes the square root of a2+b2 if that proves more convenient. The great thing about norms in the complex plane is that they commute with multiplication. In other words, the norm of xy is the norm of x times the norm of y. We would like to develop the same thing for the quaternions.

If a quaternion has the form a+bi+cj+dk, where a b c and d are taken from R, the norm of this element is, by definition, a2+b2+c2+d2. As it turns out, the norm is produced when you multiply a quaternion by its conjugate, similar to complex numbers.

(a+bi+cj+dk) * (a-bi-cj-dk) = a2+b2+c2+d2

Next, let x and y be arbitrary quaternions. Perhaps x is a+bi+cj+dk as above, and y is s+ti+uj+vk. Multiply these together and take the norm. Then show this is the same as the product of the individual norms. (You might want to do this on a computer.) Anyways, it works; the norm of xy is the norm of x times the norm of y. Note that this only works when R is commutative, which is why we wanted R to be a commutative ring.

Norm is a map from the quaternions back into R that preserves multiplication. Also, the norm of 1 is 1, hence norm is a monoid homomorphism. If the quaternions form a division ring, norm is a group homomorphism.

Units and Norms

If u is a quaternion unit then uv = 1 for some v. Take norms, and |u|*|v| = 1, whence the norm of u is a unit in R. Conversely, let |u| be a unit in R, with |u|w = 1. Let v be the conjugate of u, hence uvw = 1, making u a left inverse. We also have wvu = 1, so u is a unit in the quaternions.

In summary, u is a unit iff |u| is a unit.

Zero Divisors

If R is the reals, or any subring of the reals, the quaternion extension is a domain, i.e. it has no zero divisors. Suppose xy = 0, hence the norm of x times the norm of y is 0. This means one of the two norms is 0, say the norm of x. Now the norm is a sum of squares, and that is 0 only when all components are 0, hence x = 0.

The key in the above paragraph is that the norm of x is 0 only when x is 0. Let's assume this, and prove a more general result. If xy = 0 then take norms, and |x|*|y| = 0. The norms are nonzero, and are therefore zero divisors. Conversely, assume |x| is a zero divisor. We know that x is nonzero. Write xyw = 0, where x and y are conjugate and w is in the base ring. As long as yw is nonzero, x is a zero divisor. So let yw = 0. Multiply y by w, which scales the coefficients of y by w. this will be 0 only if all coefficients become 0. But this means xw = 0, and x is a zero divisor after all.

In summary, x is a zero divisor iff |x| is a zero divisor.

Apply this to a subring of the reals, where there are no zero divisors, and x cannot be a zero divisor, hence the quaternion extension is a domain. This is what we proved above.

Building a Division Ring

If R is a subfield of the reals, the quaternion extension of R is a division ring. We just showed it is a domain, with no divisors, so we only need demonstrate an inverse for each nonzero x. Let y be the conjugate of x, and let c be the norm of x, which is the same as xy. Now y/c becomes the inverse of x. The quaternion extension of R is a noncommutative division ring that contains R.

The Norm of an Ideal

If x is contained in the ideal H, then H includes x times its conjugate, or the norm of x. The image of H, under norm, which need not be an ideal in R, is wholly contained in H.


when the quaternions form a domain, we can talk about prime and irreducible elements. If |z| is irreducible in R, and z = xy, then |z| = |x|*|y|, |x| or |y| is a unit, and x or y is a unit. A quaternion with an irreducible norm is itself irreducible.