Let K be the fraction field of R. Assume the vector space Kn is also a field E. In other words, E/K is a finite field extension.
Let b1 through bn be a basis for a free R module S inside E. Now S is a regular R lattice of E. Furthermore, assume S is closed under multiplication. Thus S is a subring of E.
Let w be an element of S, which generates a principal ideal H in S. Since H is an R submodule, it becomes a sublattice inside S. Note that H contains wb1 through wbn, linearly independent vectors in E. Therefore H is an n dimensional lattice, and a valid lattice for Kn. In fact wb1 through wbn forms a basis for H, as a free R module and an R lattice of Kn.
What is the index of H in S? A linear transformation carries bi to wbi, and carries S onto H. Build a matrix M, where the ith row is the representation of wbi, as coefficients on b1 through bn. Thus the entries of M lie in R. The determinant of M gives the index of H in S. In addition, M implements multiplication by w. Its determinant is therefore the norm of w in E/K. Therefore the norm of w is the index of the sublattice H in the lattice S.
Now look at the quotient ring S/H. Start by assuming R = Z. The elements of S are the linear combinations of b1 through bn with integer coefficients. These are essentially the lattice points in n space. The sublattice H is spanned by vectors v1 through vn, where vi is wbi, represented as coefficients on b1 through bn. We have n linearly independent vectors, with integer coefficients, living in an integer lattice, and defining a sublattice. Start with any point x in S and shift it by a multiple of v1, then by a multiple of v2, and so on through vn, until x lies in the base cell. Each time x is translated by something in H, and this does not change the coset of x. Thus everything in S/H is represented by a lattice point in the base cell, i.e. the parallelatope spanned by v1 through vn. Conversely, suppose two points in the base cell represent the same coset of H in R. There difference, a vector strictly inside the base cell, would have to be part of the lattice, and that is a contradiction. Therefore lattice points in the base cell correspond to the elements of S/H.
Since each lattice point represents a unit of volume, the number of lattice points in the base cell equals the volume of that cell, which is the covolume of the sublattice. (You can see a more precise proof here.) This is the determinant of v1 through vn, which is the determinant of wb1 through wbn, which is the norm of w. Put this all together and the norm of w equals the cardinality of S/H. As a corollary, every principal ideal in S has a finite index.
Technically the index is the absolute value of the norm. After all, the norm, or the determinant, could come out negative, and the cardinality of S/H is obviously positive. Since the conjugates lie in the complex plane, we are taking the absolute value of a finite product of complex numbers. This in turn is the product of the absolute values of the conjugates of w in the complex plane.
If E goes beyond K(w), and if E/K is separable, the norm of w is the product of the conjugates raised to the j power, where j is the dimension of E over K(w). Now consider all possible embeddings of S, or E, into the complex plane. These map K(w) into the complex plane, and then E into the complex plane. All the conjugates of w appear in the embeddings of K(w), and they appear again and again, for each embedding of E over K(w). Thus the norm of w is the product of the images of w under all the embeddings of E into the complex plane, and after taking absolute values, the index of H in S is the product of the absolute values of the images of w in the complex plane, under all possible embeddings of E.
As before, H is a sublattice of S. It is spanned by v1 through vn, where each is a linear combination of b1 through bn with coefficients in R. Expand these coefficients, and each vi becomes a linear combination of b1 through bn times c1 through cm with integer coefficients. This gives n vectors in nm space. However, v1 could be multiplied by c1. This was included in the span of v1, over R, but with integer coordinates, we have to consider c1 v1 separately. Do this across the board, and our n vectors become mn vectors, as each is multiplied by c1 through cm.
Suppose a linear combination of these mn vectors, using integer coefficients, equals 0. Group them together by v1, v2, v3, etc. Since v1 through vn are independent, the coefficient on v1 must be 0. This means the linear combination of c1 through cm that builds the coefficient on v1 has to be 0. Since c1 through cm forms a basis for the free Z module R, all coefficients are 0, and the vectors are linearly independent after all. Thus H has the same dimension as S. In fact, the mn vectors, v1 through vn times c1 through cm, generate H.
As before, the index of H in S, as a lattice, equals the index of H in S, as an ideal. This is the norm of w in E/Q. Remember that the norm of the norm is the norm, so the index of H in S is the norm of w, as an element of R, with a second norm applied, to produce an integer. Once again every principal ideal of S has finite index.
The definition of a global field requires E/K to be separable. With this in mind, the product of the conjugates of w, raissed to a power determined by the dimension of E over K(w), equals the norm of w. We would like to relate this to the images of w under various embeddings of E, as we did with number fields. However, we need something analogous to the complex plane.
Let C be the algebraic closure of K, or, if you prefer, let C be the algebraic closure of the completion of K, using the valuation induced by R. Now C has a valuation that is consistent with R.
The sum of the valuations gives the valuation of the product, and so, the index of H in S is p raised to the sum of the valuations of the images of w in C, for all possible embeddings of E in C.
If you didn't understand this part, that's ok. The earlier result, on number fields embedded in the complex plane, is really the primary result.