Conversely, adjoin the root of an irreducible quadratic polynomial to a field F to get an extension E/F of dimension 2. The extension is quadratic iff it is F(u), where u is the root of an irreducible quadratic polynomial.
If F = Q, the rationals, the extension is called a quadratic number field.
If the extension E/F lives in the reals, it is a positive quadratic extension. If the extension brings in complex numbers, it is a negative quadratic extension. This terminology comes from the discriminant d of the polynomial p(u), which is positive or negative respectively.
Apply the quadratic formula, and the root u of p(x) is sqrt(d) modified by the coefficients of p, which already live in F. Adjoining u produces the same extension as adjoining sqrt(d). All that matters is the value of d.
If two discriminants d1 and d2 have a ratio that is a square in F, then sqrt(d1) is a scale multiple of sqrt(d2). either spans the other, and they both produce the same extension. The value of d only matters up to the squares in F.
This formula works even when F has characteristic 2, but then the extension is inseparable, and we are usually interested in separable extensions, so this doesn't come up very often.
If a ring extension has the basis 1 and u, with coefficients in R, an endomorphism on R[u] extends to an endomorphism on E, by tensoring with F. The matrix that implements the endomorphism is the same. The trace and norm are the same. Thus trace and norm in a ring extension R[u] can be evaluated in F[u], which is E. In other words, the above formulas apply.