Integral Extensions, Multiple of an Algebraic

Multiple of an Algebraic

given an algebraic element over an integral domain R, some multiple of that element is integral.

Let p(x) have coefficients a0 a1 … an in R, with an ≠ 1; hence p is not monic. Let u be a root of p(x), the algebraic element.

Build a new polynomial q(x) by multiplying ai by kn-i. This multiplies the constant by kn, and changes the lead coefficient not at all. Verify that ku is a root of q(x).

Let k = an, then divide q(x) through by an to find a monic polynomial with root anu.

We need R to be an integral domain, so that anu does not become 0.

A similar result holds if p(x) is monic and its coefficients lie in S inverse of R, where S has no zero divisors. In this case R need not be an integral domain. Let k be the product of the denominators of the coefficients of p(x), and build q(x) as above. Now ku is nonzero, and is a root of the monic polynomial q(x).