An ideal is proper, or maximal, or trivial, iff the same is true of its image under c.
Let A be the subring of B fixed by G, hence B/A is an integral extension. The primes of B lie over the primes of A. Since A is fixed, a prime ideal Q, lying over P, has to move, via c, to a prime ideal lying over P. In other words, G permutes the prime ideals lying over P.
Let B be an integral domain. Let Q1 and Q2 be two different prime ideals lying over P. We want to move Q1 onto Q2.
Let u be an element of Q1 that is not in A. Let v be the product of all the conjugates of u. (This is where we need B to be an integral domain, to take advantage of the previous theorem.) Now v is the last coefficient of the monic polynomial P(u), and it lies in A. It also lies in Q1, hence in P. Since Q2 is prime, one of the conjugates of u lies in Q2. Let c(u) lie in Q2.
Let d be the inverse of c. Now u is contained in d(Q2). This can be done for any u in Q1. Therefore Q1 lies in the finite union of all the images of Q2 under G. These images are prime, hence Q1 is contained in the finite union of prime ideals. It follows that Q1 is contained in one of these prime ideals.
Let Q1 lie in d(Q2). Since one prime ideal cannot contain another, Q1 = d(Q2). Reverse this, and Q2 = c(Q1). Since Q2 was arbitrary, G maps Q1 to every prime ideal lying over P. In other words, G acts transitively on the fiber of P.
The subgroup of G that stabilizes Q1, times the orbit, gives the order of G. Thus the number of primes lying over P divides |G|.
Let G define an equivalence relation on the prime ideals of B, which are the points of spec B. Since G acts transitively, it equates all the primes in the fiber of P.
Since B is integral over A, the map from spec B onto spec A is bicontinuous. This turns spec A into a quotient space of spec B, where G provides the equivalence relation.