Projective Modules, The Tensor of Two Functions

The Tensor of Two Functions

Let C1 be the category of pairs of left and right R modules, where pairs of module homomorphisms act as morphisms. Let C2 be the category of abelian groups, where group homomorphisms act as morphisms. The tensor product induces a functor from C1 into C2.

consider a morphism in C1. specifically, let f1 map A1 into B1, and let f2 map A2 into B2. Build the tensor products S = A1×A2, and T = B1×B2. Remember that S and T are abelian groups, members of C2. Thus tensor product is a functor that carries objects in C1 to objects in C2. How about the functions?

Build g, from A1 cross A2 into T, by applying f1 and f2, then the bilinear map from B1 cross B2 onto T. Verify that g is a bilinear map. By the universality of S, there is a unique group homomorphism h(S) into T that agrees with g. By definition h is the tensor product of f1 cross f2, and it is the corresponding morphism in the category C2.

Show that the composition of morphisms in C1 leads to the composition of morphisms in C2. Either way we have a group homomorphism in C2 that makes the diagram commute, and since S is universal, the morphisms must agree. Therefore our map is a functor between categories.

If R is commutative, a similar functor carries C1 into C3, the category of R modules and R module homomorphisms.

Direct Sum

Let A be the direct sum of left modules A1 A2 A3 etc. The homomorphism that carries A into B defines, and is defined by, the homomorphisms from each Ai into B.

Let another homomorphism carry C into D. What is the induced homomorphism from AC into BD? (I'm using juxtaposition to indicate the tensor product.)

since tensor and direct sum commute, AC is the direct sum of AiC. Thus any homomorphism from AC defines, and is defined by, component homomorphisms from AiC into BD. Select an index i, and restrict the domain to AiC. Let xy be a generating pair of this restricted domain; hence x comes from Ai and y comes from C. These map forward to B and D, and down to BD, and fi(xy)must agree. This dovetails perfectly with the induced homomorphism from AiC into BD. In other words, the induced function from AC into BD is the direct sum of the induced functions from AiC into BD.

Tensoring with the Identity Map

Tensor A and B with a module M, and tensor A → B with the identity map from M onto M. If x in A is mapped to y in B, and w is an element of M, then xw in AM is mapped to yw in BM. This is a useful technique, as we'll see in the next couple of sections.

What happens when M = R? We know that AM is isomorphic to A, and BM is isomorphic to B. This isomorphism is realized by equating x in A with x cross 1 in AM. Since 1 maps to 1, x still maps to y in AM → BM. Tensoring with R doesn't change a thing.

What if M is the direct sum of modules Mi? Let w be an element in the direcct sum. Remember that xw leads to yw. Break w up into its components and xwi leads to ywi. this is what we would get if we tensored A → B with Mi. Therefore, tensoring A → B with a direct sum M is the direct sum of the individual tensor products with Mi.

As a corollary, tensor with a freee module and obtain the direct sum of multiple instances of A → B.

What if M is itself a tensor product - say M = S×T? Tensoring is associative, so AM = AST. Let's look at the homomorphisms. Start with x → y from A → B and pair this with v in S. This gives xv → yv. Tensor with T and find xvw → yvw. On the other hand, join x → y with the pair generator vw in M and find xvw → yvw. Tensoring with M is equivalent to tensoring with S, and then with T.